
Alice Schivardi

Alice Schivardi (1976, Erba) lives and works between Rome and New York.
She moved to Rome after gaining her diploma at the Brera Fine Arts Academy.
Her research revolves around a reflection on the meaning of ties intended as
human relationship, investigated through the practice of building emotional
connections with people. She took part in numerous prizes such as Premio Cairo
at Palazzo Reale in Milan, HDRA’ Prize, Palazzo Fiano, Rome, Premio Maretti al
Museo PAN in Naples and won the first prize of Videominuto at the Pecci
Museum in Prato. Among her most recent solo shows, “J’étais fille unique”,
Natoli Mascarenhas, Monaco (F), Ero figlia unica at the Fondazione Pescheria
Centro Arti visive in Pesaro, Wormholes at the Museums del Los Sures in
collaboration with I.S.C.P di New York. Her works were included in group shows
at: Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci in Prato, Lia Rumma Gallery in
Naples (2018), La Galleria Nazionale in Rome (2017), Richard Saltoun Gallery,
London, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome (2015), Palazzo Trinci, Foligno
(2014), a collateral event for the 53rd Venice Biennial (2009) and the American
Academy in Rome (2008).
