Oli Bonzanigo | Studi per “HARAKAT AL HADIR” (Movement of a present)”


Studi per “HARAKAT AL HADIR” (Movement of a present)”
Drawing on paper
Cm 26,5×26

Unique piece, authenticated

Architectonical fragment sketch.
The project traces the history of the Almoravids’ dynasty, from deep Africa towards the Maghreb, from Northern.
Morocco to Andalusia, and back to the Sahara desert in Algeria.
A sound composition installed in 6 ceramic jars, produced in Tamegroute, reconstructs the voyage of the Almoravids, recollecting their movement in one geography, and transporting architectural fragments left behind by the 12th Century dynasty back to Aghmat, in order to visualise together past and future in a fictional present, the age of the ancient Almoravide capital.

1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 26.5 × 26 cm